Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Improve your swing plane

This is an exercise that I have had great success with, and one which my pupils have found easy to grasp the concept of.

For me having my pupils make slow deliberate swings to feel change is really important.

This exercise allows the pupil to feel when their club is on plane or not. If the club feels too heavy the shaft is generally too flat or under plane. If the club feels too light the shaft is too upright or above plane.

I also increase the pupils awareness by asking them to do this exercise with their eyes closed. I then ask them to tell me whether the shaft is too flat, too upright or on plane.

Hope you enjoy the video please post any questions you may have.
Golfingly Andy


  1. Andy,

    Big fan of this one. I spend so much time trying to get students to feel how the club is built and how it feels/weighs during the motion. A vital part of understanding what is going on in my opinion.


  2. Great exercise mate, ill definetly be using that one in the future. keep up the good work!

  3. I agree John. feeling the weight of the club is vital in my opinion. I was once told by my first ever golf professional. " If i could find a method of teaching only by feel, every one of my pupils would improve without fail"
    I am still workinghard to try and find that method for him

  4. Cheers Jon (thegolfplaza)
    I find myself using this exercise quite a bit, with slicers more often than not.
