Friday, January 29, 2010

learning and fun

As a golf coach my job is to help golfers of all abilities improve their golf games. That may mean on occasion improving a swing mechanics problem or it can be a simple as helping a player manage their way round a golf course better. Everything I do is based around one simple fact, my pupils come to me to help them lower their scores. To help my pupils improve i make sure they have a FUN learning experience. Having FUNwhile learning is paramount. I believe we all find learning and understanding more achievable while we are having FUN.
In practice there should always be a strong FUN and game element through out.Practice should never be repetetive swings at the same target. This is not golf. This is not FUN


If you look at the best players in the world they all have good routines. These routines start at home on the practice range where they work with their coaches. At tournaments all players will prepare with range time and practice rounds and maybe some gym workouts.
Do you have routines at home or at work? Why? Generally we have routines to help us work more efficiently. Efficiency in golf means lower scores and more enjoyment.

Tigers famous chip in on the 16th at Augusta. Watch the video, admire the shot then watch it again. Look at the way Tiger first of all evaluates the shot at hand. All the time he is thinking about where the ball should be played too and how it will react when the ball is on the green. When he returns to the ball to prepare for the shot, he continues to visualise the shot at hand. He has 2 practice swings then he executes the shot. This routine is the same he takes on for all shots on the golf course.

Practice swing

I truly believe it does not take talent, ability or athleticism to be professional in your approach to, and routine in golf.
A simple routine
Begin your routine stood behind the ball looking down your intended ball to target line. In this position begin to visualise the shot you are trying to hit, no matter what your skill level is. From here you should also be picking out your intended target. It may be a tee shot to a fairway or a tee shot to a green. Pick a definitive target. Don’t just except hitting a fairway, visualise and attempt to hit the ball to a specific target.
Once you are happy with your target and you have got a clear idea in your mind of the shot you want to hit, have 2 practice swings. These swings are your only chance to obtain a feel for the shot at hand or to practice a technical thought you may have.
From here step up to the ball take your address position and have a further 2 looks at the target. While looking at the target I would suggest having a couple of waggles to reduce tension. Once you are happy with your preparation execute the shot.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

happy gilmore

Padraig harrington uses the happy gilmore swing for this main reason.

Using the happy gilmore swing it maintains a correct transfer of weight throughout his swing.
A problem that re-occours in Padraigs swing is his inability to load up his right leg in the backswing. This becomes very noticable when at the top of his swing his lead leg flexes forward more due to the weight being placed on it, as a consequence Padraig leans his spine towards the target slightly, what we call reverse spine angle. This type of reverse spine angle is commonly seen in golfers who try to use the stack and tilt method.
When Padraig gets into this poor reverse spine angle position, He has to compensate for this in his downswing. He tilts his spine angle back away form the target to give himself room to swing his hips torso , arms and club back to impact. This has the effect of shifting his weight in the opposite direction of the target. This is not good for power and speed.

If you have problems using longer irons or woods off the tee try having a go at the Happy Gilmore swing its fun and it really helps

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This is a new information blog for golfers of all abilities and ages it will be written in both English and Spanish in the future.

I will be posting regular articles on golf coaching, golf fitness, golf news and equipment.

There will be interviews with both English and Spanish speaking golf professionals to come.

With the help from friends and collegues around the world I aim to establish the most complete and informative blog available, for all golfers.

Be prepared to learn