In November 2008 I had the fortune to spend a week with Mr.Harmon at The Butch Harmon Golf School at Rio Secco GC Las Vegas (
Mr.Harmon and his team of dedicated professionals were nothing but gracious with their time and advice. From the first day I arrived with fellow professional Katie Dawkins ( I was made to feel welcome and ask as much as I wanted. The days were spent watching the team and Mr.Harmon giving schools to golfers of varying abilities, I was also lucky to observe Mr.Harmon coach Natalie Gulbis for an afternoon.
At the end of the week I obtained a copy of Mr.Harmons book "The Pro" which he happily signed.
Mr.Harmons generosity was unreal. Each and every day he invited us to lunch in the clubhouse at Rio Secco and each day he picked up the tab. Never once accepting payment but always acknowledging "it was my pleasure". This sort of generosity was instilled in him at a young age by his father Claude Harmon Sr.
His father famously won the 1948 Masters as a club pro, and was one of the greatest golf coaches of his and this generation. 'Butch' and his 3 brothers Craig,Dick and Bill followed their fathers footsteps into golf. In my mind becoming the greatest family of golf teachers the world is likely too see. Claude Harmon III son of Claude'Butch' Harmon is fast becoming a world great in golf coaching so continuing the great Harmon name.
To have an opportunity to observe and talk to Mr.Harmon about golf, his love for American sports and a little politics was unbelievable.
One thing that really made an impression on me was his passion, not just his passion for helping golfers to stop slicing the ball or fluffing bunker shots, but his passion for passing on the knowledge he had gained from his father,his pupils and his peers.
Throughout the book "The Pro" Harmon Sr passes on his wisdom and knowledge to his children, not only about golf but about life. He calls them his "Pearls" Much of the book describes the era in which Mr.Harmon Sr and his young family lived in and the experiences they gained. From growing up as talented if somewhat wayword young golfers to Mr.'Butch Harmon Jr being a Vietnam war veteran.
"The Pro' is a candid and often shocking insight into the world of Mr.'Butch'Harmon Jr and his siblings, and how he grew to become the number 1 golf coach in the world.
There are stories of financial hardship, the fight against alcoholism, more importantly the love and support of the Harmons extended family. Mr Ben Hogan, Dave Marr and others.
The "pearls" that are in the book are fantastic and in a big way offer up an insight into the teaching manner of Mr.'Butch'Harmon Jr. There is no method there is just learning and learning must be centred around the individual.
The week I spent with Mr.Harmon and his team will live long in my memory. I would advise any young teachers or young golfers to read this book. I hope one day to visit Mr.Harmon again and obtain some more pearls.
The last conversation I had with Mr Harmon went something like this. "Mr.Harmon I really appreciate that you allowed me to come and watch you teach this week, I have enjoyed every minute
and I cannot thank you enough" His reply "Trust me I appreciate you more for the fact you flew 3500 miles to come and watch me"
Thank you Mr.Harmon .A true gentleman.
I must also thank Matt Kilgariff, Greg LaBelle, Mr Don Callahan, Shawn Callahan and Jeff Wood.