Tuesday, November 2, 2010


If you are thinking about searching for a coach to help your golf swing this winter you maybe be surprised to see many coaches support a specific swing method.

Stack and Tilt
One Plane
Two Plane
Gravity Golf
Natural golf

This is a small list of the many different swing methods being taught and advertised across the world to be the best method for all players.
My question is ,what should I as a golf professional be doing for my players?
Should I be aligning myself with one style or method of coaching and trying to get all my players to fit into that system. One size fits all? Really can it be that easy?

What about facts?

Has one swing method been proven to be more consistent or efficient than any other. I have not seen any evidence to suggest that one is better than the other yet.
As a golf coach I think I must be open minded to all ideas or methods.

The only true method I have seen of judging whether one swing method is better than another is by testing the kinematic sequence of the player. Kinematic sequences are measured using 3-D systems like AMM3D. The Kinematic sequence shows how efficiently the player is transferring energy or speed through the body and then to the club and ball.
For me this is the true method of judging whether a technique is good or bad.

I would like to know if any of the golf Professionals that read this can show me evidence of swing methods that are more kinematically efficient than others.

The Challenenge is set.

What method is more efficient?

Any thoughts please write in the comments box below


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