Saturday, September 11, 2010

Destination Impact

In a previous blog 'Golf and language' I spoke about the importance of understanding your impact position, I want to re visit this topic.

First of all think about this idea. If you were planning a trip in your car would you not want to have an idea of what your destination is? Having the destination now allows you to prepare for that journey by finding the easiest most efficient way of getting there. If you dont have a destination whats the point of starting the journey?

Your golf swing has a destination it's called impact, your golfswing also has a journey, thats the backswing and forward swing. Anything after impact is the follow through.

A good impact position should always be your main focus for improvement. If your impact is good the feel of the strike and the desired ball flight will highlight this for you. It will also tell you that what proceded impact was also good.
Next time at the practice area try and work on your quality of impact first.
If you go to the practice ground and you work on your swing and it has no effect on your impact and then ball flight, I will be honest and say you have wasted your practice session.
Getting worse before you get better after a lesson is the worse phrase in golf tuition today.
Rehearse your desired impact postion. Take your address position and then without swinging the club re-position yourself to impact.

Are they the same? If you believe your address and impact position are the same you have been poorly informed or it is something you have never thought about.
Remember don't start the jouney unless you know your destination.

A great practice drill I use regularley during my coaching sessions is the 2 ball drill.

Set up 2 balls on the ground with enough space for a high lofted club to swing through,then take 10 swings. You score a point for every swing made where you miss the balls and strike the ground target side of them.( target side in the photo's is to the left of the yellow golf balls)

Then procede to place a 3rd ball in between the other 2. Take 10 swings, a point is scored when the 2 outside balls are missed and a divot is taken, once again target side of them.

They are the only rules to game. Miss the balls and take a divot target side of them. This is a simple but very effective game which helps you find the centre of the clubface more often and also teaches you about where the low point in your golfswing is.

Enjoy the game and learn from it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. I use the three ball one often myself but will usually use tees when working on the direction part. I had too many people hit the balls that I didn't feel safe. =)

    Keep them coming.

